2018 – Sep 29/30 – Versys Bangalore Riders Overnighter
Went with the VBR gang for an overnighter to TANARYA homestay in Chikmagalur.
26 Versys and 1 honda City!
The Ride Started at 5:30am from the Petrol pump just after the turn off to hassan highway.
We proceeded to Hotel Mayura on Bellur cross for a sumptuous breakfast. We were amongst the first ones there so we got the freshest of foods.. the Vada was awesome and multiple plates of food later, we headed out.
Manish and Amruth From gear gear made a late appearance. Amruth on the Versys and Manish on the KTM390.
Rained slightly on the way to Chikmaglur, did not bother with the rain gear as it was quite a short cloud we went through.
We were cruising at 120-130 speeds, and i got to try the pairing of Sena with Navaneeth for the first time. We paired for most of the way post breakfast, and i entertained him with some music for the road!
Riding this bike is so effortless, and hugely different experience compared to the bullet. The confidence the bike gives to take it faster, is also due to its braking prowess. This makes is very easy to get to good cruising speeds quickly and with barely any fatigue. Probably my MadStad Screen would also be helping reduce tiredness.
After a couple of Re groups, we reached TAN-ARYA. Checked in and met up at the outer deck for lunch/ beer and bakwas!
A very jovial gang, and we instantly became friends who seem to have known each other a while.
Post a lot beer and lunch, i took 40 winks, and then woke up to meet Manohar and Sriraj near the parking. My little speaker was handy and we were talking randomly with my music playing in the back ground.
Prax, Jabir and Murali headed out of the place to explore. They got some really beautiful shots a couple of kms ahead. Prax took some drone shots which were brilliant! ..
We soon congregated back at the deck for coffee and by about 7pm , the booze was out, the music was on, and the conversations were in good flow.
Dinner was quite late, and i donot remember the food per se, but i do know the veg food was way better than the non veg fare. I went to bed by about 1 am, unfortunately could not get decent sleep due to a generator sleeping beside me i.e. Umesh.
Woke up the next day, and post some coffee, breakfast and bath, we left to go to the same point prax had been the previous evening. took some great shots and headed back home. Actually the rest of them headed home, I headed to Mangalore, via Sakleshpur.
Met Akarsh at his petrol pump and he took me to an Awesome Biryani Joint called Durga Biryani.
Took Shiradi Ghat road at 3:30pm, and reached hotel prestige by 5:45pm with barely a stop after sakleshpur.
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