

I bought a BIKE for a personal dream.
I met people who taught me something and have the same spirit and I met others that I’m glad I forgot.
I got wet,
I felt cold,
And I felt warm,
I was afraid,
I fell,
And I stand up,
I even hurt myself,
But also, I laughed out loud inside the helmet.
I spoke a thousand times with myself.
I sang and shouted with joy like a madman,
And yes … sometimes I cried.
I have seen wonderful places and lived unforgettable experiences.
I often made curves that even Marc Marquez would be proud of; other times I made curves full of terror.
I stopped a thousand times to see a landscape.
I spoke with perfect strangers, and I forgot people I see every day.
I went out with my demons inside and returned home with a feeling of absolute peace in my heart.
I always thought how dangerous it is, knowing that the meaning of courage is to advance even feeling fear.
Every time I go up to my machine I think about how wonderful it is.
I stopped talking to those who do not understand, (they just do not understand) and I learned through gestures to communicate with other riders.
I spent money that I did not have, giving up many things, but all these things are not worth even a moment about my BIKE
It is not a means of transport or a piece of iron with wheels, it is the lost part of my soul and my spirit.
And when someone says to me: “You have to sell the BIKE and you have to be a more serious person”, … I do not answer. I just swing my head and smile,
Walking on, a BIKE….. only the person who loves them understands it.
May God bless my friends and their joy of great people!
And the adventure continues. .

– Found Floating on a Whatsapp Group. Will update the name when i fin out who it is!

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