The V comes home!
For Over 3 years i had been saving money to buy a “better” bike than the Royal Enfield. Which one? .. big question. Which one? .. I was waiting, and waiting for the Adventure 390 to come. Having ridden the…
Odyssey Visits Discovery Village, Nandi Hills – 30th Nov 2014
This post is about when BNI Odyssey visited At discovery Village in 2014. Posting now, cos i didn’t have a blog then!! ———————————————————————————————- A few weeks ago, Ms. Amita Prashant visited Odyssey and became formally a member of our eclectic…
Odyssey Meets At Arbor Brewing Co – 23rd April 2016
An impromptu gathering of Odyssey’s team at Arbor Brewing Co. A place for nice food, great beer and celebrating Dr. Nimmy’s Birthday! [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”14″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser” ajax_pagination=”0″ order_by=”imagedate” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
Odyssey meets at Bottle and Glass, Indiranagar
For over 4 years now I have been part of Odyssey, one of the best chapters of BNI-India, in Bangalore. BNI is a Business Networking platform, but its also a great place to meet like minded entrepreneurs, who know when…
BNI Odyssey Goes Retro – Handover – October 2016
It was the end of a very good term with Sushma as President for 6 month, leading the Odyssey brigade to new heights! Sushma and her team organised a Retro Style Party, which all of us enjoyed to the hilt…