Ganalu Falls and Babu Hotel – Nov 1 2020
Manu of RTMC captained an Announce ride to Ganalu Falls, about 90kms, away from Bangalore.
As usual, more than 15 people signed on for the ride..but in the end, only 7 of us met up to ride!
I invited Shreyas from the versys group as well to join us.
Shreyas (Versys) / Rajeev (Bullet) / Arun (thunderbird) / Manu (Dominar) / Akshay (Dominar) / Girish (Bullet) / Sajin (Versys) and I (Versys) left nice road exit on Kanakpura road at 6:45 am and reached the breakfast point by am.
The hotel, made famous, by Kripal Amanna, of “Food lovers TV” on YouTube is a small shack, off the main road serving steaming soft, chiblu idlis, chitranna and thick dosas, coupled with red chutney and palya.
Chiblu Idlis, are so called, as they are made in the almost forgotten tradition of making the idlis in baskets made of bamboo, steamed over a wood fire.
The Place was packed to capacity, and we were quite lucky to get any food at all! I should probably visit this place again on a weekday, to savour the dishes again! No tea or coffee available, but Manu was able to chat up to the main guy, and he got us a flask of hot tea and didn’t charge for it as well

The site was quite nice, though, by the time we reached there, it was quite crowded. We took a few quick photos and took off to another point away from the crowd, just to chill by the river bank for 10-15mins.
On the way back, we had one more stop for Tea, and I returned home by 12:30 pm
A Good ride after a long time!