Entrepreneurs go Koramingling – 6 Nov 2020
The pandemic had brought businesses to its knees in Bangalore.
Most businesses i.e.
Our Chapter was doing rather well though. Business flowing between members, and the energy was always good in all the online meetings.
We missed the “offline” meetups, which even a million zoom meetings cannot provide. The eye contact, the fist bump, the leg-pulling and the meeting of the minds, that only a physical meeting can give you.
We needed to meet now that lockdown restrictions were over.
We had had a couple of inductions during the lockdown, and this is the first time I met Nirmal, Karthik and Rajashekar Hiremath.
Dr.Nimmy and Karan, along with Hemal, and a few others, found a safe outdoors venue, for the 20-25 of us that met at “KORAMINGLE”, a Rooftop Pub with a Set drink and food menu in Koramangala, near the sony junction
The place was awesome, well laid out, good music, a small party area exclusively for us.
All the staff wore masks, and sanitiser bottles were at hand everywhere!
Food was good, with plenty of starters, pizza etc, and the bartender made very decent Hot toddy, with my staple, Old Monk!
Party started at 7 pm, and suddenly, it was 11:30 pm! .. time truly flies when you are partying.
Good Food. Good Fun. Good Times!

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Awesome clicks