
New Year Party 2020

This year, we celebrated the new years with new friends, and in a new home.

Having moved to South City Apartments last year, Preeti had developed good friendships with a number of Ishaan’s friends’ parents

Priya’s house warming was due, and a new year party/house warming was planned. Over 2-3 weeks of relentless planning and organising resulted in a night full of fun for the kids and even more so for the adults. Dumb charades, 20 Questions, Blind Ball, Toothpick Polo and some Hair-Raising games were all part of the party.

Awesome food, and an open bar, helped us along quite nicely, ending with a fresh cake, and a tequila shot!

Ishaan was up till 12:30 am, fighting sleep and declaring to all who would listen, that he is not tired! Had to call it a night by 1 am when we could clearly him and other kids becoming quite cranky!!

A Great Party, with some really good people. Hope this year, we get to do a lot more of these.

My Trusty GoPro was with me and This video set the right tune for the year 2020!

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