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2023 – March – Odyssey Handover – Olde Bangalore Resort

The Handover from the Leadership team of Sreedevi, Harinath and Ganesh to the dynamic Trio of Shreya, Kirti and Aashish took place at the Olde Bangalore resort, a day after the fun-filled socials at the same venue. ( Check this link )

It was a tidy cermony with an epic performance on Nattu Nattu by Williams, Aditya, Vaishak and Arjun with a cameo by Aparna and Raddhika.

A bout ice-breaking organised by one of the newest members of Odyssey, Chinmay Anand, Founder of the YGB Club.

The Handover Ceremony began at 10:30am by recognising all the members that contributed by working towards the chapters success. The goal of this term was BBB, Business Beyond Boundaries, and many initiatives were taken to expand the networking of Odyssey with other chapters pan india.

It was going to be Sukhen Padmanabha’s last handover. Odyssey owed a lot of its success to Sukhen, for his guidance and knowledge on how to handle people and overcome complex situations. A more approachable and down-to-earth person will be hard to find!.

An afternoon of great camaraderie, refreshing beer and summer cocktails, some beautiful light, and a lot of enjoyable moments.

Check out the entire event captured in pictures below

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