
The north-east work adventure – Guwahati

Day 17 – 7 March 2020

Rocky Barua’s friend Sanjeev helped me get a cab arranged for the site visit. The taxi came promptly at 730 am. By which time we were done with a hurried breakfast and we head to the airforce station, Guwahati

The morning was overcast but warm. We reached the gate by 9 am and waited for Mr Ojha, the contractor known to Ankur the bel officer to get us in.

By 10 am we were at the site, surprisingly faster than any site we’ve been to so far.

Most of our stuff arrived safely, but was stored in a room who’s key was with airforce officer!! .

The compressors were both outside but in the complete wrong location and the wording machine as well

Spoke to Ankur about shifting the compressor, and he said that can happen only on Monday :(. He would try to get Ojha to get us the key to the rooms we needed.

We started working with the packages we had with us, and then it started pouring. And all of us were caught unawares as we hadn’t brought warm clothes

We requested Ojha for electricity supply, and he arranged a wire to be brought to connect the dg from the building opposite to a plug point at our site.

It was 11 and it stopped pouring. But by 1120, it was foggy. Weird. We unpacked and set up the compressor, welding machine and some of the accessories. We marked the air line and all the points that needed doing for the clamps.

But couldn’t do anything until, by 1230 pm, Ankur arrived along with the airforce officer with the keys to the room

We also got Ojha to ask him contract labour to help with shifting of the compressor. Suddenly it was quite Sunny and we were all glad for the heat!

The compressor shifting began, while I unpacked everything else in the room.

Then it started raining again, but they worked non stop to get it into position.

We decided to finish lunch first and then do the line. Ojha and Ankur requested us to use only as much DG power as we needed as otherwise it will lead to wasted fuel.

Lunch was good, at the airforce mess.

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