The North East work adventure – Hasimara
Sumit helped us arrange a taxi got 2500 Rs for the drop to the airport
Dinner and drink session happened from 9pm and went on till 12. Had 3 strong beers of ” hunter” brand while Y and J polished of half a bottle of royal stag barrel select
Post dinner, made payment for the stay and asked them for a consolidated invoice for the entire stay
The cashier came to the room with the invoice in half hour, and then refused to leave till he got a large tip. He was asking for 400 and I settled for 250. But the whole feeling left a bad taste to an otherwise good hotel
Slept by 1 am, and woke up to the sound of pouring rain at 5.30 am. Went back to semi sleep state and woke up by 7 am.
Packed, and ready by 8 am.
The driver arrived by 815 am and we were off.
The road was pretty scenic, if not for the crazy driver! Couldn’t stop him in time to take any pics!

Soon we reached traffic infested Siliguri and reached the airport by 12pm
Checked in, after shuffling the luggage around to meet the weight criteria. After security check we had a bite to eat as it was 20 mins to boarding time.
Unfortunately, after that we finished eating, we came to know the flight is delayed by 1.5 hours, and will now take off at 2.50 pm.
Finally, we took off without further delay, and landed in Bangalore by 6 pm.

All in all, a good, albeit hectic trip. Loads of learning, and hopefully the bonding becomes better with the staff in the future.