2023 – Odyssey’s ASKs, & Gets! (A.S.K Term April – Sep 2023)
Open Mic
Ashish’s friend and fellow band-mate, had just opened a jamming spot in brigade road.
The ASK team organised a brilliant open mic, and everyone who attended had to take the stage. I always knew i couldnt sing to save a life… but i now know for sure, that i can murder any song that can be sung. I truly know now that there is something definitely wrong about the way the song is playing in my head, and the cacophony that is playing on my lips.
Chinmay’s version of Louis Armstrong’s ” what a wonderful world” was quite soulful. Giri Cavale played the harmonica brilliantly. Kirti’s voice and choice of song was as spellbinding as Raddhika’s. Rahul Nikkam chose the smartest number, by singing – the kannada song ” if you come today… ” .. and what Mihir recited, was a “Mystery”. Karan,Shreya, Aditya and Prajwal sang as well, though i don’t remember now what they did sing!
Aashish and his friend took centre stage at the end, and gave us some really awesome music they had composed. Looking forward to hearing them perform again!
Although Jayshree of Gowramma’s Kitchen was unable to make it, she did help in organising some yummy snacks from a friend of hers.
Handover : Tusk and Dawn, Sakleshpur
Rain, Roads, and Resort Revelry
The end of the Term of the A.S.K Team culminated in a brillant setting amidst wet but gorgeous weather at Tusk and Dawn resort in Sakleshpur.
The A.S.K team, and more imporatantly the “Socials” team of Arjun, Aditya and Prajwal pulled out all the stops for the members who opted to come for the handover, and 2 nights of Stay / Food / games and Prizes for a princely sum of 2500/- per head!
They organised a bus for everyone to cart them to and from bangalore.
Since i was overdue a trip to Mangalore for a while now, I thought i’d head to sakleshpur, and move on to mangalore after the handover. I connected with Rishi, who also wanted to ride to Sakleshpur on his Ninja 650. We roped in Jayshree and Karan as well for an Early morning start, with a plan to go to Hassan for Breakfast, and be in the resort by 11 to enjoy beers and R&R before the entire troupe lands in!
It was a good plan… on paper.
I reached the meetup point by 6:30am, the start of the Nelamangala – Mangalore highway. Preeti called frantic about Ishaan waking up with a bad back, and we decided to consult a pediatric orthopedic for his opinion.
I headed back home, and after the appointment with the doc, who confirmed that there was nothing to be alarmed about, i left home again at 12pm.
I decided to skip lunch, and move on to Sakleshpur to make it to the resort well within daylight.
My Sakleshpur friend Akarsh, had professed very little rain, and dry sunny weather. However, on that day i reached Sakleshpur by 4pm and what was ” misty rain” became a ” heavy non-stop drizzle”
Soon I was battling heavy rain and a treacherous clay road on my road-tyred bike. Skills (or lack thereof) weren’t on my side, and after several near-death experiences, My shoes slipped, and the bike ended up sprawled in the mud.
After a grand peacock sighting and a 30-minute network struggle, achance encounter with the resort’s gardener led me to the manager. A precarious rescue mission later, I was at the resort, soaked, tired, hungry but safe. The next two days were bliss – games, laughter, and the camaraderie of good company. Mangalore could wait.
Leaving the resort wasn’t much smoother. My bike hitched a ride on a truck, and on the way back, Karan’s car sprung a leak. We limped back to Bangalore, another adventure in itself.
Sometimes, the best plans get derailed, but even in the mud and the rain, there’s fun to be found. And hey, at least I saw a peacock!
Captured some of the moments of the Sakleshpur Trip below